1942 - 1960 by Photogenics
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  2. Photos of our life with family & friendsPhotos of our life with family & friends
  3. Trish’s Photos
  4. 1942 - 19601942 - 1960
1942 - 1960
1961 - 1983
1983 - 2024

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Arriving back on the Aorangi with Margaret, a Friend, Mum, Dad, Max and I.
Standing - Silver, (the horse) Mrs Potter Me, Mum, Bunny Esdaile, Donald Sarah Soni and Raymond in the front. Dad's black Vauxhall was the star of the day!!
Outside Mr Good's house on Goods Road, Otumoetai. about 1954/55
From back Left - Auncle Dunc (Dad's brother) Margaret, Grandad Esdaile and Dad (Jim Barclay Front -Me (Triicia) Granny Esdaile and Mum (Mae)
Max, Mum, Donald Sarah and me in front
Aprx 1952 in Ches and Bunny's Orange Orchard Hinewa Road Tauranga
On Arabella and Kim. 1953/54
Wanganui about 1944
around 1943/44
About 1937 in her early 20's (Born 1917)
This whole outfit was knitted by Mae and I still have the pattern of the skirt today! (2018)
Mum and Dad when we lived in Sydney for a year
At Bunny and Ches's in Otumeotai after we came home from our year in Aus.
Probably Wanganui or Gisborne
At Bunny and Ches's 1950
Trying my hand at Ballet - Not good!!
In front of Grandad Esdaile's house on Beach Road, Otumoetai. Early 50's (aprx)
Ina and Kerry far right - about 1959 Me second from left
My wonderful horse that would jump anything. I realised years later that he was a Standard Bred because of his wonderful pacing on the beach - plus we loved jumping dinghy's and got yelled at quite often!
Trish, Avis Day, Lyndsay Young (Cameron) and Olwyn Lees (dcd) on Marie's horse "Bon"
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