Lake Mapouriko by Photogenics
Photogenics's Gallery Photogenics's Gallery
  1. Photogenics' Gallery
  2. South Island - New ZealandSouth Island - New Zealand
  3. Lake MapourikoLake Mapouriko

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Item information:

Brighton (Coastal Christchurch)
Brighton (Coastal Christchurch. On the waterfront.)
Brighton (Coastal Christchurch. On the waterfront.)
Above the Clouds (Port Hills 
Cob house. (Built in the early 1860's. Restored. Marlborough south of Blenheim.)
Cob House. (Built in the early 1860's. Restored. Marlborough south of Blenheim.)
Burkes Pass (Burkes Pass,  Mckenzie County.)
Wild (East coast north of Kaikoura.)
St Patricks (The oldest Union Church in New Zealand. Built 1872.
Burkes Pass in Mckenzie County.)
Marlborough Sounds (Entering the Sounds. April 2021.)
Sunrise. (The Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Tekapo. April 2021.)
Church of Good  Shepherd
Sunset (The Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Tekapo. April 2021.)
Sunset (The Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Tekapo. April 2021.)
Lake Tekapo.
Kina Beach - Marlborough (Kina Beach - Marlborough)
Mapua - Marlborough (Mapua - Marlborough)
Somewhere between Pohara & Tata Beach
Tata Beach (Golden Bay, Marlborough)
Te Waikoropupu Springs (Purest, cleanest, clearest water we've ever see.
Golden Bay, Marlborough)
Takaka (At the bottom of the Takaka Hill this old cottage caught our eye.)
Riwaka (Riwaka - Golden Bay)
Hope Saddle (Golden Bay)
Riwaka Resurgence (Purest, cleanest, clearest water we've ever see.)
Buller Gorge
Karamea (West Coast)
Sunset (Okarito)
Lake Mapouriko
Haast Pass
Hawea (Hawea)
Lake Hawea
Lake Manapouri
Curio Bay (Curio Bay)
Purakaunui Falls (Purakaunui Falls)
Nugget Point (The Nugget Point)
Gabriels Gully (Gabriels Gully)
Lake Ellesmere (Lake Ellesmere)
Picton Harbour.
Grove Bay. Queen Charlotte Drive
History at Brown River Reserve - Rai Valley
Brown River Reserve. (One night but a great camp.)
Turn-off to Brown River Reserve (Lots of options here.)
Brown River Reserve - Rai Valley camped with Alan & Bev alongside. (Just the two of us.  One of Alan & Bevs recommended camps. Now if the river doesn't flood.)
Okiwi Bay - Queen Charlotte Sounds (Didnt stay here but a small motorcamp available and very friendly host. Nice ice cream too.)
Matai Motor Camp. Nelson (Camped at Matai Motor Camp for three days while visiting friends and relations in Nelson)
Matai Motor Camp. Nelson (Alan & Bev camped at Matai Motor Camp. Hosts gave us a remote part of this large camp so the dogs could have a bit of freedom to roam, a little.)
Matai Motor Camp. Nelson (Molly sussing out her boundaries for wandering.)
Nelson - Traceys favourite Cafe. (Tracey & Trish seeing who could laugh the most.
Great Coffee and nice food too.)
Nelson. Market Day. Great entertainment. (Nelson Market Day. Great entertainment.)
Nelson. Market Day. Great entertainment. (This guy has been illegally (according to the law) parking his horse here on Market Day for 'years'. Never paid the more than $100,000 worth of fines as the Court always seems to rule in his favour. But why does he do it? To make a point??)
Marahou - Whitebaiters (Tasman District. Whitebaiters getting as much as a kilo (or two) a day. These people waiting for the tide to come up.)
Kaiteriteri Beach (Tasman District. Beautiful golden sand. Now that's why they call it 'Golden Bay'.
Arrived via Motueka (great coffee at the Marina).)
Kina Beach (Molly measuring the waves. Will I? Nah surfs not big enough yet.)
Kina Beach (Camp even provides a hot bath facility.)
Kina Beach Camp (Camped at the Council camp. (Bev & Alan didnt stay). First night had the place almost to ourselves so decided to stay 2 nights.)
Kina Beach Golf Club (Golf Club. Alan had to go and have a look for a report back to son Warren.)
Kina Beach Golf Course (Golf Course with a fabulous view.
Beautiful well kept Course with some obviously wealthy (going by some of the properties nearby), members.)
Mapua. The team waiting for coffee. (One of Alans recommended stops for food. Bought smoked fish at the large fish shop.)
Pohara Harbour (Over the Takaka Hill. Another Alan & Bev  recommended camp. Fishing Port. 
Camped at the Yacht Club, under the cliffs, for the night. Showers and toilets available for a donation.)
Te Waikoropupu Springs (Te Waikoropupū Springs (known as Pupū Springs), discharging 14,000 litres of water per second, are the largest freshwater springs in New Zealand, the largest cold water springs in the Southern Hemisphere, and contain some of the clearest water ever measured.)
Te Waikoropupu Springs (Te Waikoropupū Springs (known as Pupū Springs), discharging 14,000 litres of water per second, are the largest freshwater springs in New Zealand, the largest cold water springs in the Southern Hemisphere, and contain some of the clearest water ever measured.)
Alan, Bev & Trish (Alan, Bev & Trish  on the way back from Pupu Springs. A one hour round trip inc viewing.)
Te Waikoropupu Springs (Te Waikoropupū Springs (known as Pupū Springs), discharging 14,000 litres of water per second, are the largest freshwater springs in New Zealand, the largest cold water springs in the Southern Hemisphere, and contain some of the clearest water ever measured.)
Te Waikoropupu Springs (Purest, cleanest, clearest water we've ever see.)
Paton's Rock (Nice little area and good for a boil-up.)
Paton's Rock (This kind lady let me take her picture while she contemplated the view. A local, and a regular visitor to this bench.)
Farewell Spit (Farewell Spit stretches more than 30 kilometres into the Tasman Sea. The Maori name for the spit is Onetahua, meaning 'heaped up sand'.
A bird sanctuary since the 1930s it provides a home for over 90 bird species. Bar tailed godwits, knots, curlews, whimbrels and turnstones fly around 12,000 kilometres every northern hemisphere autumn to spend the summer here in the south. The spit also has a gannet colony.
Farewell Spit's first lighthouse was built in 1869.)
Tamatea Reserve - Pakawau (Camped overnight. Just outside Pakawau.)
Takaka township.
Anatoki Salmon Farm (Alan wondering why the fish ain't biting and Bev also wondering why.)
Anatoki Salmon Farm (Alan not wanting his photo taken.)
Riwaka Crystal Pool (Seen on the walk to the Resurgence. Purest, cleanest, clearest water we've ever see.)
Riwaka Resurgence (A short walk from the picnic area/car park took us up to the stunning crystal pool and the source of the Riwaka River. It is steep at first but soon levels off and is worth the climb. DOC area, no dogs allowed on the walk.
Purest, cleanest, clearest water we've ever see.)
Riwaka Resurgence. On the track to the Resurgence (The water here is some of the purest to be found in the Southern Hemisphere. Very cold and clear and same source as Pupu Springs.)
Riwaka River
On the road to Hope Saddle. (November but still snow on the tops in the background.)
Lake Rotoroa (We missed the 'no dogs' sign on the way in.
Like almost everywhere we have been so far, not a soul around.)
Lake Rotoroa
Lake Rotoroa
Murchison. (Bev and Trish 'bargain hunting'. Tony and Alan 'helping'.)
Denniston (A terrible coffee before we head up to the old mine. Denniston, a small settlement in the West Coast region. It is on the Mount Rochfort Plateau in the Papahaua Ranges, 600 metres above sea level.
During the early 20th century, Denniston's population was close to 2000, due to the large coal mine close to the town. It is now little more than a ghost town, with a population of less than 50.)
Denniston Plateau (2026 hectares that comprise the Denniston Plateau. This area is neither National Park, or Conservation Park nor does it have any particular reserve status. Very bleak, cold and unfriendly the day we visited.)
Denniston Plateau (Reminds us a little of the Desert Road, North Island.)
Denniston Plateau
The old Denniston Mine
The old Denniston Mine.
The old Denniston Mine.
Cape Foulwind (Cape Foulwind is a headland on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand overlooking the Tasman Sea.  Previously named Rocky Cape by Abel Tasman, the present name was bestowed by James Cook in 1770  after his ship Endeavour was blown offshore from this point.)
Tauranga Bay (Our first Seal sighting of the trip.
Tauranga Bay is home to a fur Hector seal breeding colony.
Later Seals came to haunt us. Both friendly and not so friendly.)
Charleston - Little Beach (Another small beach site that Alan remembered.)
Charleston - Little Beach Another small beach site that Alan remembered. (Another small beach site that Alan remembered. Molly ready for a break.)
Charleston - Little Beach (Looks like Alan is opening the 'Bar'.)
Charleston (Little Beach The Bar is open.)
Charleston (Little Beach. Alan does fantastic chips. But the pan made only enough for him and Bev!)
Charleston - Little Beach. (Nothing like a quick beach cuddle when the weather looks bad. Alan has a knack for finding little fantastic hideaway campsites.)
Charleston - Little Beach (Weather hanged overnight. From calm glassy sea to rough and windy. Chilly too. A very wet West Coast night. Today the sea is rough and the track rather damp.)
Charleston - Little Beach (The sea wasn't like  when we went to bed.)
Punakaiki (The sign says it all, says Trish.)
Punakaiki Pancake Rocks.
Punakaiki Pancake Rocks.
Punakaiki Pancake Rocks. (Blowhole blowing.)
Punakaiki Pancake Rocks.
Punakaiki Pancake Rocks.
Punakaiki Pancake Rocks.
Rapahoe (Rapahoe Hotel. Interesting old pub only been reopened for 1 week. Manager, Kela and Chef, Johnny made us very welcome. Great hosts.
Recommended character bar (even has a dog that will jump on the bar! Amazing.))
Rapahoe (Camped in the small Park beside the Hotel.)
Holitika (Sunset Point, by the sea.)
Pukekura (Alan, Bev and Sophie head off today via the Aurthurs Pass for Christchurch then back to Tauranga in time for Christmas at home. We know we are going to miss them and their years of experience traveling these roads and byways.)
Waikukupa River
Waikukupa Bridge (A Molly stop for personal reasons.)
Leaving Fox township.
Cook River Bridge
Cook River (Weheka)
Paringa River
Knights Point
Haast Pass
Haast Pass
Haast Pass
Haast Pass
Haast Pass
Thunder Creek Falls
Thunder Creek Falls (Haast Pass.)
Haast Pass (A rockfall here has kept the Pass down to one lane here for several months while workers make the cliff face above the road safe. Abseil ropes can be seen for cliff walkers. Not allowed out of the vehicle for pics unfortunately. Up to 45 minute delays.)
Haast Pass (One of the guys working up on the cliff face.)
Fantail Falls
Fantail Falls (The gnomes build these stone castles every night.)
Lake Wanaka
Lake Wanaka
Lake Hawea
Kawarau Gorge (The Roaring Meg (lived up to its name for us!))
Arrowtown (Main Street)
Lake Wakatipu (Queenstown)
Lake Wakatipu (Remarkables Range in the background.)
Kingston (Disappointed to see the Kingston Flyer no longer operates. (Up for sale))
Lake Wakitipu (Seen from Kingston.)
Lake Te Anau
Manapouri (Camped beside the river, bridge.)
Manapouri (Short walk from our camp. Nearly got bogged here. Got out using skill, determination and a small dose of panic!
Note to self; DONT try and park on river stones!)
Lake Manapouri
Lake Monowai (Lovely, and very quiet.)
Lake Monowai
Lake Monowai
Cosy Nook - Southland (Road sign said maximum 6 metre vehicles. We are 6 metres.)
Cosy Nook - Southland (Lovely day. Good spot to camp?)
Cosy Nook - Southland (One of the cribs here. Delightful gentleman invited me in for a chat.)
Cosy Nook - Southland (Fortunately, we didnt camp in this spot as overnight the wind got up, straight from Antartica. Hail, cold and very gusty had the camper rockin and rollin most of the night. Ended up parked almost hard against the front of the green crib. Lucky we did.)
Cosy Nook - Southland (Weather changed.)
Cosy Nook - Southland (Storm, she be a brewing? This view, just before we locked down for the night, prompted a change of parking, luckily..)
Cosy Nook - Southland (We got in okay and out again okay. Pity I didnt take a pic of the very very tight corner. Locals told us later that day the storm cut power to almost the whole southern coast.)
Cosy Nook - Southland (Back on the main road from Cosy Nook going toward Riverton. The trees signal the prevailing wind.)
Curio Bay
Curio Bay (Never got to see the penguins. Just this little guy.)
Curio Bay (South Island. New Zealand.)
Curio Bay
Papatowai (Blair Sommerville has created a magical attraction here on the road to Papatowai.)
Papatowai (Some of Blairs kinky inventiveness at work here and he has thousands more on display. Worth a look.)
Teapots everywhere. (Owaka)
Owaka (Cuppa tea anyone?)
Owaka (There ya go Moll. A nice bowl of, tea?)
The Nugget Point
The Nugget Point (Molly found this guy, and woke him up!
The Nugget Point (Taken from a fair distance. These animals are aggressive and fast.)
The Nugget Point (I'm going. I'm going.
The Nugget Point (This is reputed to be the oldest standing structure in Southland.
Needs renovation now. Used to be thatch roof, punga walls and inhabited by local Maori.)
The Nugget Point (Our camp for a couple of nights.
Wonderful hosts Hazel and Winston.)
The Nugget Point (Another one. Found out from a local he's an outcast from the herd and definitely not friendly. 
Taken from a fair distance. These animals are aggressive and fast.)
The Nugget Point (Winston (in the shute) helping a neighbour with the drenching.)
The Nugget Point Lighthouse
The Nugget Point Lighthouse
Kaitangata Bridge (Clutha River)
Tuapeka Mouth (Lovely old church. Great camp site.)
Tuapeka Mouth (Very hospitable locals even opened the church for us. Thanks Graham and Margaret for your local knowledge.)
Tuapeka Mouth (Punt.)
Tuapeka Mouth
Tuapeka Mouth (Trish takes a trip on the punt. Kindly put on by the local driver who operates a free service.)
Tuapeka Mouth (Trish getting a free ride over, all be herself.)
Tuapeka Mouth (Trish coming back, surrounded by blokes on bikes who look like they havent seen a girl for a long time.)
Tuapeka Mouth (Old gold pan from the Church.)
Tuapeka Mouth (Neighbours.)
Tuapeka Mouth (Why are the girls crawling around?)
Lawrence (Old (1880's) Chinese building.)
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully (Site of a gold strike in 1862. South Island. New Zealand)
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully
Gabriels Gully (Up this valley is where they struck GOLD!)
Gabriels Gully (There was, and probably still is, gold in them thar hills.)
Champagne Gully - Cromwell
Jackson's Inlet (Just before Cromwell.)
Jackson's Inlet
Lindis Pass (Cromwell side. Lupins everywhere.)
Lindis Pass (Lupins everywhere.)
Lindis Pass (Drought?)
Kurow (Maori rock drawings.
Historical site but much has been removed to museums.)
Kurow (Maori rock drawings.
Historical site but much has been removed to museums.)
Oamaru (Oamaru)
Oamaru (Oamaru)
Dunedin (Dunedin)
Moeraki Harbour (Moeraki Harbour)
Moeraki Boulders (The Moeraki Boulders are a group of large spherical “stones” on Koekohe Beach near Moeraki on New Zealand’s Otago coast. These boulders are actually concretions that have been exposed through shoreline erosion from coastal cliffs. 
They originally started forming in ancient sea floor sediments around 60 million years ago, and the largest boulders are estimated to have taken about 4 million years1 to get to their current size.)
Moeraki Boulders
Moeraki Boulders
Oamaru (Oamaru)
Cave - Neils Reserve (Cave - Neils Reserve)
Cave - Neils Reserve (Cave - Neils Reserve)
Cave - Neils Reserve (Cave - Neils Reserve)
Cave - Neils Reserve (Cave - Neils Reserve)
Cave - Neils Reserve (Cave - Neils Reserve)
Winchester Bridge (Winchester Bridge)
Geraldine (Geraldine)
On the road to Mt Peel (On the road to Mt Peel)
Rakia Huts (South) (Rakia Huts (South))
Rakia Huts (South) (Rakia Huts (South))
Lake Ellesmere (Lake Ellesmere)
Lake Ellesmere (Lake Ellesmere)
Lake Ellesmere (Lake Ellesmere)
Christchurch (Christchurch)
Christchurch (Christchurch)
Christchurch (Inner City Tram junction.)
Christchurch (Steve, Bekky & Grace and Trish board the tram.)
Christchurch (Christchurchs 'cardboard' Cathedral.
Christchurch (Shipping containers being adapted for temporary shops. Great innovative thinking here.)
Christchurch (All shipping container venues.)
Christchurch (The Gondola in Christchurch Port Hills.)
Christchurch (Trish was determined to buy a hat. Just not this one, please.)
Christchurch (Inland on the way to Cribbs Creek.)
Cribbs Creek (Intended to camp here but not as good as it sounded. So on we go.)
Cribbs Creek. (Nup.)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Molly found a rellie.
Another Swedish Vallhund.)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point.)
Kaikoura Coast (Crayfish at Paparoa Point. Not ours tho.)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. This guy looks like he wants to make friends.)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Friendly face?)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Yes, looks like we've got a neighbour. Think he wants to move in.)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. This guy won't go away.)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Sunset.)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Got up early this morning and this guy was waiting for me. Ended up trying to get him to move with the broom. But he rolled over and wanted a tummy rub. Molly would be jealous.)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Couldnt get him to move so shifted the camper so we could use the door.
As we left he headed for the water.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay. Seal pup up at the waterfall.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau waterfall with seal pool at the base.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay.)
Kaikoura Coast (Nin's crayfish. All for crayfish aficionado Trish.
Her Christmas present.)
Marlborough Sounds

Audio Mute
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