Me and myPony by Photogenics
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  2. People we've seenPeople we've seen
  3. Me and myPonyMe and myPony

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Item information:

Man and Boy (Mohaka River. Eeling.)
He's Patched
Hey Good Looking
A Mixed Gathering
Classy guy
Ready to Go
Little Cowgirl
Mother and Daughter
Man and His Bike
Practicing outside the Racecourse
A dog and his man
Wants to be a model
Circus in Town
Circus in Town
Circus in Town
Circus in Town
Bikers (These guys had just ridden 1100km from New Plymouth to the East Cape Lighthouse. East Coast. Feb 2021)
Casual Lady (Ollantaytambo, Peru)
Friendly Firepower. (A Bank Guard with a smile.)
German meets Canadian (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip;  at Pipiriki.Both riding the Te Aroha cycle trial from North to South.)
Dog and his man and toys (Spotted on a Bay of Plenty beach)
Jazz Festival Lady (Tauranga NZ)
Jazz Festival Guy (Tauranga NZ)
@ 100 years
Lady in green
Little Cowgirl
Lovely Lady (Katikati. NZ)
The Farrier
The Farmer (Omanawa. NZ)
Muso (Tauranga. NZ)
The Trainer Waiting (Waikato. NZ)
The Huntsmen (The Master of the Hunt giving instructions for the days Hunt. New Zealand.)
Contemplation (Wairongomai. Lower Kaimais, Waikato)
Private Music (Te Aroha. NZ)
Three girls and a guy. (Waiheke Island)
Beautiful Baby
Scary (Halloween)
Happy Days
Man with a horse, and a point of view. (Nelson. Market Day.)
Lovers, of good music. (Could this guy play the piano! Sounded fantastic.)
Nelson (Nelson)
Bikers (Well met on the Takaka Hill, Golden Bay.)
Contemplation (Just sitting, contemplating, and enjoying the view.)
Blair (Catlins, South Is., NZ)
Little People 1
Little People 2
Green on White Water (White water rafting NZ)
Blue on White Water (White water rafting NZ)
Learning As They Go (White water rafting)
No panic (White water rafting)
Mates (Mates)
Young man (Young man)
Guitar Lady (Guitar Lady)
Guitar Lady (Guitar Lady)
Art Student
The Guitarist (Guitarist)
Guitar Solo (Guitar Solo)
Flight Deck (New Zealand and Air New Zealand fares the Boeing 737 farewell in 2018. NAC, NZ's 'then' national airline  bought the first B737-200 around 1968.)
A bridge too hard.
Biggles and co pilot (Pretty co pilot)
The Hupmobile
Well met
Good Jazz
The Thinker.
Museum Curator. (San Ignacio)
Still Life
Farmer (Concentrating, or listening to the rugby?)
Hi Five
Shy young lady
Little Devil
Me and myPony
On  guard. (On  guard.)
Team on-board
Kayaking (Early Spring. Cant keep  keen girls out of the water.)
Sophia (A beautiful young lady who will go far.)
Jose Luy Sandovall (Jose serves the best (and biggest) fruit salad in South America.)
Beach Boy (Spring 2019.)
Boat Skipper (Crossing the border via Lake Titicaca, South America.)
Egypt (I cant believe I swapped 'cards' with this guy.
Taken by Trish (1999) and scanned from original negative.)
Kaimais (Kaimai Track.)
The Eventer
Man and his land
Little Cowboy

Audio Mute
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