Happy chap. by Photogenics
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  3. Happy chap.Happy chap.

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Photo Bombed (By Badger)
A visit to Grandad and Trish's (Omanawa Rd 'farmlet' 
Bekky and Steve's wedding (Christchurch)
Jorgia and Trish (Tauranga about 2011
 A visit to Grandad and Trish's
Omanawa Rd 'farmlet')
Steve (Tauranga about 2011
 A visit to Grandad and Trish's
Omanawa Rd 'farmlet')
Me (Getting the shot. Paraguay.)
Grace and Tony (Peru. Bird Park.)
Look at my Hat (On the back of Papotos Ute.)
My Favourite Pic (Of Trish.)
Sue, Alice, Cliff, Tony, Mae, Max
In the Bush
Trish (Hobbiton. June 2023)
Trish (McLaren Falls, Tauranga. 2023)
Trish and Aneisha (McLaren Falls, Tauranga. 2023)
Home from a walk (A walk with Badger on a beutiful winter day. Aug 2022.)
The afternoon nap
Oputama Bay (Trish getting her daily dose. East Coast. Feb 2021)
Trish and Badge, drinkies time. (East Coast. Feb 2021)
I'll Drive (Must remember to remove the keys when I leave the Camper with Badge in charge. East Coast. Feb 2021)
Playtime (Anaura Bay. East Coast. Feb 2021)
Trish and her embroidery (East Coast. Feb 2021)
Badger and Trish (Badger and Trish
August 2020)
Childish (Didnt take much to convince her to take a walk on the wild side. Then..oops.)
Walk to town (Gateway to Kawhia. Our last visit anywhere immediately prior to the Pandemic. Left after 3 nights for home and lockdown.)
Kawhia Tree Person (Our last visit anywhere immediately prior to the Pandemic. Left after 3 nights for home and lockdown.)
On the Track (Going down to the Kaiate Falls in the Bay of Plenty.)
Two beach bunnies
Quiet Camping (Taumaranui)
Colours (Trish and Molly with the China folk. Te Puna Gardens.)
Tapuwai Gardens (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip;  Bennydale. 8 acres 54 years in the making. Owner Doff Tombleson and Trish.)
Trish, outside the Ratana Temple, Raetihi. (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip; traveling the Wanganui River Road, the Wairarapa to Cape Palliser Lighthouse, A brief visit to Wellington to see old friends, then Foxton for Christmas and home to Tauranga.)
Trish and Molly (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip; outside the Ratana Church, Raetihi.)
Trish and Molly. (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip; As far as we could drive along Ocean Beach. Part of the cycleway to Wellington.)
Molly. (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip;Cape Palliser camp.)
Martinborough (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip; Molly waiting for Mum.)
Nice ambience, nice food in Featherston. But on frozen plates with icey butter and lumpy salt? (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip; traveling the Wanganui River Road, the Wairarapa to Cape Palliser Lighthouse, A brief visit to Wellington to see old friends, then Foxton for Christmas and home to Tauranga.)
Who's this. (Of me, taking the shot.)
Tony, Julian and Noeline (Trishs friend). (Out somewhere.)
Trish and I (Out somewhere. 1985)
Prepping the vege garden. (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Molly and Trish (A Swedish Vallhund, we got her at 9 months old after she was returned to the breeder as untrainable (and we suspected had been abused). Trish had her attached to her for 3 months before we trusted her enough to give her freedom to roam, and return.
A little treasure.)
Tonys mum, Trishs mum, Karen and friend, Trish. (Christmas 2000
Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Murder Mystery (Party night, themed to a murder mystery.
Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Tony and Milo, dinner time (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Tony and Barney (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Fertilizing them paddocks (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Before we learned how to fill a barn. (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville. I built the loose box..)
Laddie, Faith and Milo (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
After I learned how to fill a barn (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Please can I have a play? (Building an Ahaa.
Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Back patio and spa. (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Purrkins in the window (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville
The cat who loved only Trish.)
Ready to ride. (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
The Pool and Tony's office. (Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Michael (Garden Ramble, about 2010)
Trish, Tony, Anne and Murray (Dinner out in Wellington)
Family room (Lifestyle property, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Brian at the bbq. (BBQ at the at Brian and Heathers home. About 1989)
Es and John (Party night at John and Adeles. Surfers Paradise. Australia)
Birkenhead (The reading room.)
Birkenhead (Hinemoa Street before the paint job.)
Hinemoa Street (After the paint job. If we could go back, of all the houses we have owned, this would be the one we would live in again.)
Graham and Angie , Esmond and Natalie , Jim (hiding), Max. (Mid winter picnic.
Hinemoa St, Birkenhead.)
Hinemoa Street (Birkenhead, Auckland)
Tony, Marilyn (Max's wife) and others (Mid winter picnic.
Hinemoa St, Birkenhead.)
Jim and Graham (Mid winter picnic.
Hinemoa St, Birkenhead.)
Christmas (Hinemoa St, Birkenhead.
Trish gets a breadmaker.)
Simpsons Beach (Our bach at Simpsons Beach, Coromandal.
Clean-up underway. I acre and a great water view out to Mercury Is.)
Car boot picnic (Max (Trishs brother) Tony and Trish, Marilyn taking the pic.)
Champagne breakfast ('Come as you are' breakfast at Natalie and Es'.
July 1996)
Australia Vineyard, Hunter Valley (Trish, sister Jenny, Tony and Gwen (Tonys Mum).
Christmas 1995)
Te Aroha (Before the do-up.
Our home for 11 months)
Eygptjavascript:; (En route to the UK
This guy claimed to be very rich and wanted to me to trade Trish for a number of his camels. Even gave me his business card so if I changed my mind I should call him. Yeah. Right! What would I do with a bunch of camels?)
Tony at the Pyramids (Egypt 1999)
Aqaba, Jordan (Coming back from Petra.)
Tower Bridge (View from our hotel. 1999)
Tower Bridge Hotel (London 1999)
Trish, Linda Hartzler, Tony (Linda became a good friend to us both. A lovely lady with a fantastic history. She lived virtually full time on the QE2.)
Tony (UK tourist. Stonehenge.)
Tony advising the Captain (On board the QE2 World Cruise.)
Our home, for a while. (Mumbai, waiting for Trish to arrive.)
Trish on the track. (Karangahake walk between Paeroa and Waihi.
Oct 2005)
A Bit Weird (Not sure what Natalie was planning.
At Debbies (Waiheke Island) for the weekend.
Winter 1986)
Hong Kong (Trish in HKG 1993)
Trish on Wairongomai Valley walk (Waikato NZ. October 2005)
Caleb and Trish (Rebeccas' son Caleb visiting from Christchurch.
Birkenhead, Auckland)
Te Aroha (New driveway, new plumbing to the road.
Just part of the renovations.)
Te Aroha (New driveway, new plumbing to the road.
Just part of the renovations.)
Morning calf feed. (Dressing gown and gummies. Big babies bottle for our orphan calf.)
Caleb on Jay (Omanawa)
Jorgia on Jay (Omanawa)
Omanawa (Trishs new stables, tack room and pens.
Farrier and Trish.)
Molly (At a Vallhund Day.)
Omanawa (Not a bad crop)
Omanawa (Hay made and wrapped.
Molly, Jay and Trish ready for play again.)
Omanawa (Hay making.)
Omanawa (Hay making. Molly keeping track of the count.)
Omanawa (Hay making. Trish keeping track of the count.)
Te Aroha (Whitaker Street. After the do-up. But still an on going project.)
Te Aroha (After the do-up. But still an on going project.)
Te Aroha (Built in 1942, this house another do-up for Tony and Trish. Stately home built on 3 sections, just under an acre with stream and 100 year old Oak tree.
Before the do-up.)
Barney fretting. (Didnt want to be left behind while Trish goes out on Milo.
Coatesville, Auckland)
Not Pans' flute (John Aitken entertaining the troops. At their home, Surfers Paradise, Australia.)
Ready to ride (Coatesville, Auckland)
New paint, new deck  Purrkins. (Coatesville, Auckland)
What's so funny? (Coatesville, Auckland)
Ready for a ride. (Trish and Milo, Coatesville.)
Michael and grandson (In the pool, Coatesville. After the paint job.)
New Deck going up. (Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
Tonys family, Coatesville (Melissa, Shevaughan, Rebecca, Caleb, Trish and Julian)
Keeping abreast of things (Michael at the start of the Topless Car Rally in Albany, Auckland)
Tonys family, Coatesville (Melissa, Shevaughan, Rebecca, Caleb, Trish and Julian)
Tonys family, Coatesville
Tonys Project (Building an Ahaa
Lifestyle farm, Glenmore Rd, Coatesville)
For Sale (We bought! We sold a couple of years later.
Now has a million dollar plus house built on the section.)
The view. (We also bought the view.)
For Sale (We bought! Tonys first launch. Not a gin palace. More a beer keg.)
Before the renovation. (Long drop toilet. No holding tank. Fish used to be found in the bowl until we replaced the system.)
Trish (Tidying the cordage on Alias.)
Esmond . (On holiday in rented holiday apartment. Hilarious time spent. Whangaparoa Penninsular.)
Trish (Having her temperature taken. Tahiti.)
Remuera (Mid 1980's)
Trish (Mid 1980's)
Max (Trishs brother. Waiheke, bottom end.
Max and Marilyn on board for the weekend.)
Trish (About 1986)
Surprise birthday (Tonys place, Northcote.)
More bubbles
Coastal Aire (Getting dinner.)
Cruising Auckland Harbour. (When the Rainbow Warrior was bombed and sunk in Auckland Harbour, Trishs'step sister, Margaret was on-board (as cook). She escaped unharmed but minus her belongings.)
Tony (In his element.
CoastalAire, Westhaven)
Tony (In his element.
Go fast (22 foot Bucaneer Senator. Inboard diesel. Stern drive.
Coatesville. Hardly used it. Not a go fast, on the water, person.)
Nice but didnt suit us. (22 foot Bucaneer Senator. Inboard diesel. Stern drive.
Go fast. (22 foot Bucaneer Senator. Inboard diesel. Stern drive.)
Gypsy (On the hard at Whangaparoa after survey and purchase.
Trish and Barbara . (Peter passed away.  Boating friend who worked at Salthouse.)
For Sale (As we bought her. Poor thing.
Renamed Alias.)
Polglase family and Trish. (Sue, Mum, Johns son Michael, Johns partner, Jenny, Trish, Johns daughter, brother John and Tony.)
Birkenhead (Our first house bought together.
5 Hinemoa St.
Before a repaint.)
Birkenhead (Our first house bought together.
5 Hinemoa St.
Before a repaint.)
Birkenhead (Our first house bought together.
5 Hinemoa St.
Before a repaint.)
Bernie Sloane (A regular cruising partner for Tony. Now deceased.)
Ski boat. (Tonys place in Northcote, Auckland.)
Coastal Aire (Off Browns Island. Auckland Harbour)
Trish and Tony (Hong Kong.)
Trish (Viewing Hong Kong Harbour from Kowloon.)
Cathedral Cove (Coromandel New Zealand.)
Great Barrier Island (Port Fitzroy. Great Barrier Island.)
Trish (A tough day on board Alias)
Happy chap. (Alias, 22 foot Shipbuilders, Tonys first captaining position.)
Trish (Coromandel)
Trish (After surviving the thrills of a Hong Kong long drop toilet.)
Julian (With Trishs' friend Noeline and partner Neal.)
Trish needs a doctor (Tahiti, Club Med)
Trish, Christmas (At Tonys place, Northcote.)
Crew (On board Alias off Waiheke Island.)
Tine for a cuppa. (We all need a drink.)
Three healthy Dexters (Omanawa. Breeding Dexters for meat, home kill.)
Tonys' home. Seven Oaks, England (While in the UK we tracked down and met Tony, a relative of Mae, Trishs mum.)
Omanawa (Go The All Blacks)
Hay making time coming (Omanawa, Bay of Plenty.)
Seven Oaks, England (While in the UK we tracked down and met Tony, a relative of Mae, Trishs mum.)
Rockery beside the water tank (Omanawa Rd, Bay of Plenty.)
Omanawa - Gardens (Omanawa Rd, Bay of Plenty.)
Boss (Omanawa. Tony's stud Dexter Bull.)
Molly at work (Omanawa. Each day Molly learned the paper would be thrown on the driveway about 5pm. She thought her main job of the day was to collect it and bring it home. Smart little girl!)
Holiday in Hong Kong (Sometime around 1999?)
Paper girl (Omanawa. Each day Molly learned the paper would be thrown on the driveway about 5pm. She thought her main job of the day was to collect it and bring it home. Smart little girl!)
John (John and Joan returning from their Pacific cruise on Blue Dolphin. Photo taken from Coastalaire after they cleared Customs.)
Holiday in Ohope on the beach. (Weather turned wet so much time doing crosswords and reading. At least Molly looks happy..)
Molly guards the veges. (Plenty of veges and fruit. Omanawa)
Molly trying to get in the window. (Molly trying to get in the window. About 5 years old.
Omanawa, Tauranga)
Tony's playhouse (Workshop.
Omanawa, Tauranga)
The Farm House (Omanawa, Tauranga)
The Farmhouse (Omanawa. Our joint office.)
The Farmhouse (Omanawa Rd, Bay of Plenty., Tauranga)
The Farmhouse (The Living Room/Dining Room. Omanawa Rd, Bay of Plenty.)
Escape (Molly about 5 years old thinks like a cat. 2010
Omanawa Rd, Bay of Plenty., Tauranga)
Trish teaching Grace the finer points (Camping with Steve and Bekky and family and friends. Akaroa 2011)
Tony, (sister) Jennifer, Johns partner, John and Trish (Coatesville, Auckland. Why is Tony the only happy looking one??)
North Island Motorhome tour with Bev and Alan
North Island Motorhome tour with Bev and Alan
North Island Motorhome tour with Bev and Alan
Trish when I say 'something wrong'
Bev and Alan (West Coast, camped on the beach.)
Bev and Alan (Good friend and motorhome camping mates. Alan died too soon.)
Michael (abducting Trish)
Doggy Day at Lloyd and Jenny s'. (Jenny with friend and professional Judge)
Michaels birthday, Waiheke Is.
'Coffee News' (A part-time business we had 'Coffee News' 2011-2014
This young man is presented with his prize for winning a competition.)
Christchurch 2015 (Grand daughter Grace, daughter Rebecca, Trish and Beks husband Steve)
Dinner (Camping South Island-2015)
Trish 2015
Trish and Molly (South Island in the Camper 2015)
Trish Rebecca Tony (Christchurch via Camper 2014. Parked in the driveway for Christmas at Bekkys home.)
Bledisloe Holiday Park (Little Waihi)
Fernland Spa (We stayed 3 days and other than one other camper in a tent, we were the only ones here. Very quiet, safe and idyllic camping.)
Our camp site. (Fernland Spa 
American-RV-Annual-Rally---Rotorua (American-RV-Annual-Rally---Rotorua)
American RV Annual-Rally---Rotorua (American RV Annual Rally---Rotorua)
Mohaka River (Mohaka River)
Just another overnight beside the river (Just another overnight beside the river)
A Coastal overnight (A Coastal overnight in the Bay of Plenty.)
Somewhere (Somewhere for a cup of tea. Nowhere level to park without maybe getting stuck.)
At sea (CoastalAire. Leaving Westhaven Marina.)

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