Blackbird by Photogenics
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  2. Animals & BirdsAnimals & Birds
  3. BlackbirdBlackbird

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Item information:

Swedish Vallhund (These little powerhouses may be born with or without a tail.
Fun. friendly pets or working stock dogs.)
Wolfie (Huntaway Husky cross bred.)
Wolfie (Huntaway Husky cross bred.)
Mates (East coast north of Kaikoura.)
Milo (Thorouhbred Horse.)
The Sparrow
The Roadside Chooks
Molly and Friends
Free Range Duck
Paparoa Point (Paparoa Point)
Sophie, Molly's mate (Sophie, Molly's mate)
Big Boy (Uh O!
He is alive, and awake.)
The Nugget Point (I'm going. I'm going.
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Yes, looks like we've got a neighbour. Think he wants to move in.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay. Seal pup up at the waterfall.)
Vegas (Sadly, Vegas died of cancer shortly after this photo was taken.)
Barney & Milo
Bounce (Bounce is the most fun calf. A pure bred Dexter he was named Bounce due to his frolicking nature and habit of bouncing around the paddock, jumping the long grass.)
Alpaca (This guy tried to look at my eyes thru the lens. Very curious and friendly.)
Bigger Bounce (A pure bred Dexter bull. Bounces father and very protective of his progeny.)
Jimmy, bewitching (Jimmy, full name, Tijah Jungle Brenin is a pure bred 21 month old Bengal cat.)
Jimmy, curious (My photo doesn't do Jimmy justice. He really is a beautiful boy, big too, though still just a kitten.)
Royal Spoon Bill (Spotted at Clive in the Hawkes Bay.)
Big Boy, The Nugget Point (Uh O!
He is alive, and awake.)
The Nugget Point (I'm going. I'm going.
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Friendly face?)
Kaikoura Coast (Paparoa Point. Yes, looks like we've got a neighbour. Think he wants to move in.)
Kaikoura Coast (Ohau Bay. Seal pup up at the waterfall.)
Fabulous. (Parque Das Aves. The Bird Park at Iguazu Falls.)
Just one of nearly 900 birds in this park.Fabulous. (Parque Das Aves. The Bird Park at Iguazu Falls.)
Just one of nearly 900 birds in this park.Fabulous. (Parque Das Aves. The Bird Park at Iguazu Falls.)
Just one of nearly 900 birds in this park.Fabulous. (Parque Das Aves. The Bird Park at Iguazu Falls.)
Birds (The Ccochahuasi Animal Sanctuary is a privately-owned, family-run organization in the Sacred Valley of Peru that rescues exotic animals that have been injured or have been confiscated from animal smugglers. (Just out of Cusco) Peru)
Paradise Duck (Seen on the Paeroa-Waihi rail trck thru the Karangahaki Gorge.)
Picolo, Molly and Hendrix (In the boot on Himitangi Beach.)
Hendrix (Sam's dog on Himitangi Beach.)
Hendrix (Sam's dog on Himitangi Beach.)
Hendrix (Sam's dog on Himitangi Beach.)
Picolo (Our Dec 2018 roadtrip; traveling the Wanganui River Road, the Wairarapa to Cape Palliser Lighthouse, A brief visit to Wellington to see old friends, then Foxton for Christmas and home to Tauranga.)
Portrait of a Bird (Iguazu Falls.)
Fabulous. (Parque Das Aves. The Bird Park at Iguazu Falls.)
Just one of nearly 900 birds in this park.Fabulous. (Parque Das Aves. The Bird Park at Iguazu Falls.
900 birds from some 130 species, many of them at risk of extinction.)
Curious (Off the road. Oropi, Tauranga)
Little tyke
Blackbird eggs (This little lady decided to build her nest and lay her eggs in a hose holder behind the house.)
Blackbird (This little lady decided to build her nest and lay her eggs in a hose holder behind the house.)

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