All oldest sons by Photogenics
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  4. 1973 - 19831973 - 1983
  5. All oldest sonsAll oldest sons

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All oldest sons (Julian and Great Grandfather, grandfather and father. 4 generations of 'oldest sons'.)
Julian (In our Toyota Corolla)
Julian and Rebecca
Rebecca, Nana and Julian (At Nana and Grandpop Polglase home, Paraparaumu)
Sue, Jenny, Julian and Tony (Tony's younger sisters and Julian.)
Rebecca Nana and Julian (Paraparaumu. Mum and Dads place.)
Rebecca (Always wanting to be 'on the phone'. Just like her mother.)
Nicola and Rebecca (At Home, Mana, Paramatta, Wellington)
Nicola and Rebecca (March 1983)
Nicola and Rebecca (Sponsored by Tonys business, The Monday Memo and The Brochure Rack.)
Nicola Melissa and Rebecca (Ice Skating medals!)
Rebecca (Bath time.)
Rebecca, Nicola and Julian
Cheeky (Nicola, the Brownie.)
Rebecca and Nicola (Girl Guide and Brownie.)
Julian (Boy Scout.)
Rebecca, Julian & Nicola (Ice skating champs, Dunedin, 1990)
Rebecca (I carried this small photo for many years in the back of my wallet.)
Nicola & Julian (Ice skating)
Brother and sisters (Nicola  aged 10, Julian 14, Melissa 6 and Rebecca 13.
Xmas 1990)
Julian (6 weeks old. May 1976)
Wendy, Me and Julian (Outside Wellington Hospital.  April 1976.)
Julian, bath time.
Wendy & Julian (Wendy and Julian outside Wellington Hospital. April 1976.)
Wendy and I (Mum and Dads home, Seaview Drive, Paraparaumu. May 1975)
Christmas 1975 (Roger (Wendys brother), my father, Me, Bill Taaffe (Sues husband). Front; My Mum and her dog, Wendy and my sister Sue.)
Wedding Day (Wendy)
Julians Christening Day.
Julian (6 weeks old. May 1976)
Julians Christening Day.
Rebecca and Julian (Mana, Wellington)
Julian (Mana, Wellington.)
Julian (Mana, Wellington.)
Julian and Dad (Desert Rd, Turangi.)
Julian (At home, Mana, 1976)
Julian (At home, Paraparaumu)
Julian (At home, Mana, 1976)
Christmas (At my Mum and Dads, Seaview Rd, Paraparaumu)
'Polglase' Family Reunion. (The first Polglase to arrive in NZ was born in Truro, Cornwall in 1815. He married Johanna Jenkins and migrated to Aust in 1846 and thence to NZ, arriving in Nelson on Xmas Day 1854 from Melbourne on the SV 'Rollo'. His first son, Joseph (jnr), married Caroline.)
Julian (Mana, Wellington.)
Julian (At home, Mana 1977)
Julian (At home, Mana 1977)
Julian (At home, Mana 1977)
Julian with the 'Browns' (At their place in Porirua. Alan and Carlas'.)
Julian (!977 we hired a Motorhome and did a weeks traveling. Ended up staying with Den and Rose Chapman in Te Puke.)
Wendy and Julian (!977 we hired a Motorhome and did a weeks traveling. Ended up staying with Den and Rose Chapman in Te Puke.)
Buggered (!977 we hired a Motorhome and did a weeks traveling. Ended up staying with Den and Rose Chapman in Te Puke.)
Julians First Birthday (With mates. 4/4/1977)
Julian and Dad (Feb 1977)
Loving Brother (Julian and Rebecca)
Our Rental
Rebecca (Sept 1977)
Julian (Telling Rebecca its time to sleep.)
Julian (At home, Mana. Christmas Day.)
Rebecca and Santa
Julian and Rebecca. Santa. A scary guy. (One of the Travel Agencies. (I was Wellington Area Manager of World Travel Service, formerly Trans Tours))
Blue eyes. (Rebecca 6 weeks and Julian 19 months.)
Julian (Sept 1977)
Bath Time (Julian, Wendy and Rebecca.)
My Mother and Father
My Mother and Rebecca (Christening Day.)
Julian, John, Rebecca (At home, Mana, Paramatta)
Rebecca Christening (Wendys best friend (Pam??))
Rebeccas Christening Cake
Julian (Loved all things with a motor.
Has become an A Grade mechanic and 'Petrol Head'.)
Julian and rebecca
Rebecca and Wendy
Rebecca (Mana, Paramatta)
Rebecca and Julian (Mana, Paramatta)
Rebecca and Julian (Mana, Paramatta)
Julian and Rebecca (Mana, Paramatta)
Julian (Hide and seek.)
Julian and Rebecca
Rebecca (20 months old. At Mum and Dads, Paraparaumu.)
Julian (Sept, 1979)
Family On holiday.
Ice blocks.
Julians 2nd Birthday
Nicola (6 weeks old. March 1980)
Nicola (3 months old. May 1980)
Julian, Nicola and Rebecca (Sept 1980)
Julian, Nicola and Rebecca. (Sept 1980)
Learners Licence? (Julian showed an early interest in cars. 16 months old.)
Julian (Picton Sept 1980.)
Karate Kids (Rebecca and Julian, At home, Paraparaumu. Nov 1980)
Rebecca and Julian (September 1980)
Christmas 1980 (Nothing 'plastic' in sight much, back then.)
Christmas 1980
Nicola, Julian and Rebecca (At home. Kaimanawa St, Paraparaum Oct 1980.)
Christmas 1980 (Nicola)
Rebecca leaving the Hospital
Rebecca with Nana (My mother, Rebecca 9 days old. Aug 1977)
Kimba (A small dog but with the heart and looks of a German Shepherd. Wendy and I had to adopt him out when he became over protective of Rebecca. We visited him every weekend for months at his new home in Otaki. Sadly, he was run over and killed.)
Kimba (A small dog but with the heart and looks of a German Shepherd. Wendy and I had to adopt him out when he became over protective of Rebecca. We visited him every weekend for months at his new home in Otaki. Sadly, he was run over and killed.)

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