Cups I won at Stock Car racing 1975 by Photogenics
  1. Photogenics' Gallery
  2. Photos of our life with family & friendsPhotos of our life with family & friends
  3. Trish’s Photos
  4. 1961 - 19831961 - 1983
  5. Cups I won at Stock Car racing 1975Cups I won at Stock Car racing 1975

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Suz and Ollie (Robins Road early 80's)
Nan in Cambridge with Sue and Karen and Mitch in the pram 1991.
Before the wedding at 6th Ave. Tga (Jan Mollgaard (Wilbur Smith) Me and Lyndsay Young (Cameron) with Alice Hillier flower girl)
Mum an Dad (Mae and Jim) at Robins Road (Early 80's)
Dad,Es,Natalie, Aunty Marj and Uncle Sam, Monique,  Desiree in front. April Early 70's (Taken at Marj and Sam Sarah's house, Te Atatu Akl
 (Mum's/Mae's sister ))
Suzanne on my knitted shawl Summer 1965
Karen - February 1965 aged 20 months
Wendy and Gunda 1971 (Notice the water bucket for Gunda's birds on back lawn at 200 - 14th Ave Tauranga)
Wendy, Karen and Suzanne with Puff, 1980
My Wedding 1962 (Erin with her parents Dorothy and Arrol Hagerty, Arthur and Phil Ferguson (Mum worked with them in the P.O.))
Karen at Intermediate (Aprx 1973 aged 10/11)
More of Mum's knitting (Tga Primary school aprx Std 4 1973)
Karen at Intermediate 1974?
Churchill St aprx 1966 (Suz and Kaz with me and my 'Beehive")
Suz early 70's
Suz - 1st year Intermediate
Tric aged 18 (Party at Hayman's hall before Ray went to Australia in 1960)
34 Churchill Road, Tauranga (Girls on terrace, probably around 1966)
Crowning Day August 1961 (At Tauranga Domain - Orb was a trough ballcock painted gold and Sceptre was a gold painted Artichoke!
(Sister Burgoyne-Thomas - Tga Plunket Nurse is beside me there, she visited all the girls at home as babies when they came along.))
Ray and I at a Ball (1961)
Peter and Gail Creevey's wedding (Jillian Barclay (Max's first wife) and Sharon Smith (Jim's wife) Palmerston North around mid 60's)
Karen and I (taken at 6th Ave, Tauranga)
Gunda and Karen (On terrace at 34 Churchill Road around January 1964)
Karen, Suzanne and Wendy (Xmas 1971 - Karen 8yrs, Suz 7yrs, Wendy 5yrs)
Karen and Tony Esdaile in Balfour S.I. 1969 (Karen's trip to the S.I. with Mum)
Churchill Road (photo taken by Nan in Cambridge about 1968 when she and Tom were over.
(I'm wearing this same jersey today (2018) that Mae knitted!!))
Suz and her dancing partner (Standard 4 dancing class with Mr Crisp.  Tauranga Primary School 1975)
Karen and her dancing partner (Tauranga Primary school and Mr Crisps standard four dancing class 1974)
Ray and I water skiing (Maungatapu bridge (I think))
Wendy in her cape (about 1974)
Wendy and 'Master Pete' (Taken December 1981 at Robins Road)
'Flash"  Lorraine Cook's dog (Dog of the Year Champion for Obedience 1976 and 1977)
Wendy and 'Master Pete' Robins Road. Tauranga (He was so gentle you could lead him thru the house - different horse when on his back!)
Mum and 'Koke' at Robins Road 1980
My Celeste - April 1982 (Robins Road)
Marie, Gavin and I at Robins Road, (Waiting up for the Rugby on T.V.)
Suz, Puff and I Robins Road (Aprx 1982)
Wendy - winter of 1982
Suz and Sonia Carter (Glamming it up at Robins' Road)
Suz's birthday at Robins Road August 1982 (Seems I was the only one left at the table!!)
Ray and I at Robins Road (Going to the Centennial Ball in 1982)
Ray at Robins Road April 1982
Lovely photo with my Dad - 1970 (Dad, Ray and the girls at Robins Road when Mum had gone down to the S.I.  
It's when Dad first confided his worry about his memory to me.)
Puff - Splat and too lazy to stand up! (Robins Road 1982)
The 'Crew' (Suz, Puff, Kandy and Pebbles at Robins Road)
Xmas Day at Forte Liza (Xmas 1983)
Cups I won at Stock Car racing 1975
Gavin an Mum (Suz's 21st at Forte Liza)
Ollie, Spooner (Mark) and Evan (At Robins Road before Suz's 21st)
Wendy, Karen and Sue 1983
Max, me, Marie and Mum (Suz's 21st)
Suz  and Spooner
Suz, Kaz and Me (Suz's 21st (Unfortunately Wendy was on her big O/E))
Myrie, Lavina and Donella (A lovely photo of 3 of the 'Morrow' sisters)
Peter Creevey, Ray and the 3 girls
Wendy, Karen and Suzanne (Around 1969 taken at Churchill Street)
Ray and I at Dianne and Lawrence's before Wendy's 21st
At Robins Road 1985
Ray and Donna outside Rays at Townhead Cresc.
Donna and I
Mum, Ray and Kaz the night before Kaz left for Aus.
Judy, Raymond and I (At Willow Park)
Suz at Kaz's farewell (Dinner at Willow Park with Raymond, Judy, Mick and Lucy - January 1982
Before Karen left for Aus.)
Dad (Using his car as a wedding car for Gus Grahams daughter.  Gus was the Postmaster at Tga South where Mum worked for many years.)
Studio photo of Mum an Dad
Orange Festival crowning day at the Domain
Tauranga Orange Festival Queen 1961
Orange Festival Queen 1961
The night at the Odean Theatre I was picked 1962
Jim, Mae and Norah Gleadow (Marsden Pt, Miramar 1975)
The Family
The Morrow Family (Christmas 1953 with Mae and Jim)
Karen and Trish (Karen leaving for Australia. Jan 1982)
Christmas 1973 at 14th Avenue (Back from left - Gail Creevey, Grant Creevey , Trish, Mae, Peter Creevey, Dad,
Front Brett Creevey, Wendy, Suz and Kaz)

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